The Eberwhite Mind Fair is an annual event sponsored by the PTO. In the preceding month, students have the opportunity to investigate a topic of their interest, often answering a question to guide research. Then, on Mind Fair day, there are two events:
During the school day, teachers and classrooms (Y5 to 5th grades) will visit the auditorium, and participating students will present their Mind Fair research project to an interviewer during a 5 minute interview. Interviewers are parent volunteers that will listen to the presentation, ask a friendly and constructive question, and provide them with a ribbon award for their efforts. Students are encouraged to explore the fair and find projects that interest them :)
An Open House for families is held after school that day, 4-7pm on March 5, when families are encouraged to come and view the wide variety of projects (over 100 expected) that will be presented this year.
Projects Explained
A Mind Fair project is a little investigation on any topic of the students’ own interest. The findings are displayed on a tri-fold board, which is brought into school for sharing with the community at the fair. Groups and individual projects are welcome.